Hey there!! My name is Lindsay! I own my own small holistic business, homeschool my 2 beautiful girls, and provide bookkeeping services for my sweet fiancé’s businesses. Follow along for natural living, homeschool support, and just anything I come across in every day life! I’m so excited you’re here!

About Linds

Hi there! My name is Lindsay Ruggles and I’m the founder of Life With Linds and Living Water Natural Healing.

I am the mother of 2 beautiful girls and the ALMOST wife of the best guy. A few years ago, I received a diagnosis that was going to force me to use pharmaceuticals the rest of my life and I refuse to allow that! I have been doing research on natural remedies and herbalism, as well as studying to become a Certified Naturopath. I believe that the use of western medicine, while it is needed, should be used in conjunction with natural medicines.

I am also a homeschool mama that is learning as I go! I am far from your typical “Pinterest” mom, a lot of times, we’re just making it through the day! I hope you find some relatable stories and useful tips/tricks along the way! So happy you’re here to join me in this crazy “life with Linds”!